I am Jaleela from Chennai , Welcome to my delicious kitchen.
Warm welcome to everybody to my yummy kitchen.
I am residing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. I have 30 years of experience in my kitchen world, expert in baby food, kids delight, Arabic food, bachelor easy cooking and Traditional recipes. Regularly, I am posting my recipes in both Tamil and English which is http://cookbookjaleela.blogspot.ae http://samaiyalattakaasam.blogspot.ae
I have countless recipes in Tamil blog which is samaiyalattakaasam. I started English Blog in the year 2010.
My recipes are for all, particularly for beginners, bachelors and also for all who can Cook.
I shared My recipes in my face book page https://www.facebook.com/Samaiyalattakaasam , My recipes and tips, stores are futured in many popular Tamil magazines and also I look after my own business in Chennai which is Chennai plaza.(www.chennaiplazaki.com)
My You Tube Channel Name Samaiyal attakaasam - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8LXGZgIE8u8GQz4xPuoexw
My another You tube channel
Cookbookjaleela : https://www.youtube.com/@cookbookjaleela9423/videos
Dubai Burqa channel : https://www.youtube.com/@chennaiplazadubaiburkahija5679
My awards and prizes
My recipe published in Ananda Vikatan Deepawali Malar amd kilakkarai anjal monthly magazine.(2010)
I am happy to inform you all that, I had took part in The master chef india 2 contest – 2011 and i won the first price for my tamil blog - samaiyalattakaasangkaL For the recipe Tutti Fruity Pancake
I am very happy to inform you all that i participated in master chef india 2 contest and won the runner up award and the recipes were Eggplant bhaji sandwich & mixed Tandoori Fish Fry.
March - 2012
My Article Cancer Awareness for Ladies (nesan & Udanz) 4th Price (grace price) Rs.1000/
பதிவர் திருமதி ஜலீலாகமால் வின் புற்றை வெல்வோம் - வருமுன் காப்போம் - பெண்களுக்கு மட்டும் இந்த கட்டுரை சற்றே பெரிது எனினும் பெண்களுக்கு வரும்புற்றுநோயின் தீவிரம் குறித்து அலசப்படுவதால் ஆறுதல் பரிசை பெறுகின்றது.
ஆறுதல் பரிசு ரூபாய் 1000 மதிப்புள்ள புத்தக கூப்பன் - 2012
Healthy Morsels - Pregnancy Recipe 2012. Jaleela Kamal for sharing essential tips and recipes like Mutton Soup and as a token of appreciation from the Healthy Morsels Team,
Feb - 2013 I won First Prize form Spicy Chilly & cuponation Jabong From Barathy, for My Auththur Milaku kaRi ஆத்தூர் மிளகு கறி & Healthy Adai. Received Rs.1,500/ as award prize.
The Agar Agar Specialist Hosted By Food Corner , Anamika I have been Awarded as Fifth Winner in Marine Chemical - The Agar Agar Recipe Contest - During December 2012 to February 2013. - For My Indian Flag Agar Agar
I am happy to inform everyone in that I have won as second winner in Hyderabadi Cuisine Roha's Giveaway for her First Blog Anniversary.2013
The Agar Agar Specialist Hosted By Food Corner , Anamika I have been Awarded as Fifth Winner in Marine Chemical - The Agar Agar Recipe Contest - During December 2012 to February 2013. - For My Indian Flag Agar Agar
I am happy to inform everyone in that I have won as second winner in Hyderabadi Cuisine Roha's Giveaway for her First Blog Anniversary.2013
Facebook Group – In my Kitchen, For Food Picture Contest - Winner during February, 2015.
World Hijab 2015 competition – 5th Winner, Face book Islamic Group. (01.02.2015)
My 30 type of spinach recipes has been published in Aval Vikatan Monthly Magazine (Tamil) on 25th July 2017.- 08.08.17
I have been selected in "Top 10 South Indian Culinary Blogs – 2018" presented by Bonusapp.
I am glad to inform you that my 30 agar agar (cool) recipes for kids special has been published in The no-1 Ladies magazine (Tamil) Aval Vikatan on 16 th October 2018
I am very Happy to say and share that I have Participated in live cooking event. Contest Name Parle Platina vin Pandigai Palagarangal , cooking event organized by Parle Hide and seek Biscuit at Sky walk, Chennai. 08.12.2018.
My Two Recipes , Hide and seek Biscuit Pistachio Barfi and Hide and seek biscuit Dates Halwa, 08.12.2018 was selected and invited to participate.
In the first round they have selected 21 contestants out of 75. I had selected out of 75 . Parle (Hide and seek Biscuit) Gave me presents and awarded with Certificate.
Since it is a live cooking it was really very thrilling. Also I met Chef Rakesh Raghunathan and discussed some Traditional Recipes.
I have participated in Food shala season 8– 13.9.19 / in that try one of the recipe Beetroot kesari.
Chef and judge of foodshala season - 8 Judge Chef Akshay nayyar
I participated in Care N Cure bites Breast cancer awareness contest held on Dubai 31.10.2019 at Zayed happiness Caravan
Healthy Rich Protein Rajma Salad, Healthy Burnt Garlic Soup and Rajma Cutlet Care N Cure Breast Cancer Awareness Event Held on 31.10.2019
I am Happy to say that my 10 type of Rajma Special Veg recipes has been published in Aval Kitchen cookery Magazine (Tamil) on February and March Edition 2020
My 10 Veg recipes, Rajma Special l has been published in Aval Kitchen Magazine (Tamil) on 1st February 2020).
My recipes are featured in
Thendral magazine in Dubai (2005)
Beetroot Halva - in
Garlic Chicken - in
My recipe puplished in
Ananda Vidadan Deepawali Malar amd kilakkarai anjal monthly magazine.(2010)
My artical regarding
cancer and recipes in http://www.ladiesspecial.com/ Ladies Speical edition.
In refer my all
recipes in Jaleela in arusuvai.I am a
Top Contributor in arusuvaidotcom.
My cookery,tips,kids care
tips, all in tamilkudumbam.comhttp://www.tamilkudumbam.com/component/option,com_fjrelated/Itemid,290/id,7119/view,fjrelated/
Some of my recipes
are in http://www.samaiayarai.com/,
March - 2012
My Article Cancer
Awareness for Ladies (nesan & Udanz)
4th Price (grace price)
I have won lots of
Awards, prizes and competitions. Have also won cookery competitions, not just
local ones but National competition.
I have won the AmulMasterChef India 2 Contest ...2011 can you believe that...?
I regularly updating my
Chennaiplaza Shop which is in heart city of Chennai (wholesale & retail
business) of various items, viz. fancy items, rechargeable items (light and
fans), shawls, abaya, hijab, cosmetics, ladies wear in her website
(www.chennaiplazaki.com) www.chennaiplaza.net
for visit my place. Hope my recipes are definitely it will be useful
for all. Leave your comment.
case if you require any assistance I am here cookbookjaleela@gmail.com to
help you.
My fb Page
My FB Page: Samaiyalattakaasam
FB id
DubaiBurkaGroup https://www.facebook.com/groups/166410510173628/