Best Side Dish for Paleo Diet, Healthy and Greeny.
Avocado – 1 no
Grated coconut – ¼ cup
Green chilly – 1 no
Ginger – small pc
Coriander leaves & curry leaves – ½ cup
Lemon juice – 1 tbspn
Badam – 15 no
Wash and cut the coriander leave and curry leaves.
Soak badam in a hot water remove the skin
Remove seed and skin from avocado
In a mixie add all above (avocado, coriander,curry leaves,badam,green chilly, ginger & salt grind to a smooth paste. Finally add lemon juice and mix it well.
Nice and healthy dips for grill and fry items. Very good for Paleo diet.
Note: If you are in hot tooth add more green chilly and ginger
Instead of coriander you can prepare with mint too.
also we can use for bread sandwich spread
Paleo Deit Menu for lunch
- Cauliflower Coconut Rice
- Avocado Dip
- Grilled tandoori fish
- Carrot salad
- fish curry