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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sweet Pasta/Macaroni

Sweet Pasta/Sweet Macaroni
Easy Breakfast or Dinner for your kids


  1. Cooked pasta/Macaroni  - 200 gram
  2. Milk – ½ liter
  3. Green cardamom – 2 nos
  4. Sweetened condensed milk – 90 gram
  5. Cinnamon – ½ pc
  6. Ghee -1 tbsn
  7. Cashew nuts – 6 nos

  1. Boil milk with cardamom.
  2. chop the cashew and roast  with ghee and keep aside
  3. when milk start and reduce 3/4 , add cooked macaroni/pasta and boil about 5 minutes
  4. now add condensed milk and stir continuously add roasted cashew stir well and transfer into serving bowl.Serve with Mudu vada (uluntu vadai)
  5. Note: If you don't have condensed milk add 100 gram sugar.

Medu vadai (urad dhal vadai)

  1. Urad dhal - 200 gram
  2. whole green chilli - 2nos
  3. Salt - 3/4 tspn ( to taste)
  4. coriander leaves   - few
  5. Chopped onion - 1 no
  6. curry leaves - few
  7. coarsely grounded black pepper - 1/2 tspn 
  8. oil for frying


  1. Soak urad dal in the icy cold water (to get more batter) for 1 hour. 
  2.  Drain the water completely.
  3. Add salt  and   grind it to a smooth paste.
  4. Add chopped cuury leaves. coriander leaves ,green chillies,  and chopped onion mix well with fork and keep it aside.
  5. Take little bit of the batter to make it to a  round shape  and flatten it slightly. Make a  hole in the middle of the flattened batter,  with your finger.   Deep fry them nice golden brown colour.  Do not burn them.   Remove from the oil and drain the excess oil well from the vadais. 

Linking to Srivalli's Breakfast dish Event & Gayathri's walk through memory lane hosted by prachi agarwal 


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